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Tableau Vivant created photography hair gacha called editorial hair. The hairstyle I wear in this photo is the Ponytail up. This hairstyle is in unrigged mesh that means that you can move and resize the hairstyle. There is also a BOM hairbase for this hairstyle included. You can buy this hairstyle in the Tableau mainstore.

Izzie created the body imperfections. It includes full body imperfections on upper and lower body, hands and feet. These imperfections are a combination of previous appliers the Cellulite & Stretch Marks, Breast Veins & Stretch Marks, Body Veins & Blemishes, Belly Stretch Marks and Body Freckles II. You can wear the body applier with your Maitreya, Slink, Belleza and Omega body and   There are also classic and BakesOnMesh system tattoo layers. You can find the body imperfections at the izzie’s mainstore or at marketplace.

PosEd Poses created a new group gift called enjoying the summer. The floatie in the pose is included and you can change the texture of the floatie in 4 different patterns. You can get if for free at the mainstore. You need to subscribe first before you can take the gift.


Tableau Vivant – Editorial hair @ Tableau Vivant mainstore

Izzie’s Body imperfections @ Izzie’s mainstore / marketplace

PosEd Poses @ Enjoying the Summer @  PosEd Poses mainstore



PosEd Poses created a single bento female pose called Feeling Lazy. The bean bag is included with the pose and will rezz automatically. The prop is modify and you can adjust the prop with edit linked. You can adjust the pose with the pose stand. This single bento pose is available at the Pose Fair Market from April 24th – May 23th.

Argrace made a long time ago photography hair called Akane. This hairstyle is unrigged mesh that means that it’s modify. You can move and resize this hairstyle with the extended color hud. Unfortunately this hairstyle is no longer available to purchase

Feeling Lazy

PosEd Poses – Feeling Lazy @ The Pose Fair Market

Argrace – Akane @ not available to purchase